Building Surveyor - Damp and Mould
REPORTS TO: Operations Manager – Damp and Mould
The post holder is responsible for the works within the repairs team and that work will cover the following areas: -
• Damp and Mould Works
• Day to day Repairs
• Refurbishment work (such and kitchen, bathroom, and window renewals etc).
• Void Works
• Complex Repair Works
• Disrepair works
• The pre/mid and post inspection of any of the above.
The post holder must ensure that the council is compliant with the Human Habitation Act 2018, and keeps abreast with any changes of legislation to ensure compliance.
The post holder is responsible for continuous improvement in the delivery and quality of repair work related to the above and in ensuring that we take from these ‘lessons learnt’ to prevent future disrepair cases and escalation resulting in additional costs, court cases and compensation.
The post holder is responsible for investigating any structural problems escalated from the repairs technical or operations teams, for arranging any structural testing and other specialist tests, making structures safe, compiling reports to send to management recommending costs with works estimates or property disposals. Arranging any remedial works or safety works as necessary.
The post holder is responsible for carrying out all surveys that are required to properties that are under Right to Buy applications to ensure that only works for which the Council has a landlord repairing responsibility are carried out before sale completes and for dealing with any queries from purchasers, surveyors and valuers.
The role is to provide a seamless and integrated “One Team” approach jointly with the service provider and to resolve any complex repair issues.
The post holder will also provide full building expertise, experience and professional advice in relation to all activities within the role.
Where required the post holder will carry out contractual tendering or obtain competitive quotes for repair works, commission consultants to advise on specialist areas of work as necessary and lead on carrying out financial and technical supervision of works on site.
The post holder will ensure the execution of works complies with statutory requirements and Health and safety requirements.
Service Delivery
The council’s Housing Services are high profile and vital to maintaining and enhancing the city council’s reputation.
The post holder will oversee and ensure building and maintenance projects are delivered on time and to budget including:
• Damp and Mould Works
• Disrepair work
• Refurbishment work (such and kitchen, bathroom and window renewals etc).
• Void Works
• Complex Repair Works
• Day to Day Repairs
• The pre/mid and post inspection of any of the above.
In addition, the post holder will oversee the property surveying functions required to manage the repair and maintenance requirements of a portfolio of approximately 17,000 homes, including the structure and fabric of the buildings, internal and communal areas and estate grounds.
Main Responsibilities
• Work with the AD Director of Repairs, Strategic Head of Housing Repairs and/or any other delegated manager to implement and develop effective systems to regularly inspect the external and communal parts of property, to identify any requirements for reactive repairs and cyclical maintenance, and to ensure the works required are carried out or programmed according to urgency and priority.
• Work in collaboration with colleagues across Housing services to ensure a joint approach to improve quality and customer satisfaction for residents.
• Support and manage a flexible approach to the deployment of resources within the Property Services Division to respond effectively to fluctuations in workload. Support and manage different types of work within the Property Services Division in response to the changes in the volume of work.
• Highlight key investment needs and considerations to the Property Planning and Assets Team so that works can be appropriately planned in major works programmes.
• Assist in leading and developing a team of technical staff to create a professional and high-performance culture, deputising for relevant Managers when required.
• Provide a high standard of technical support to the team. Manage the local delivery of the repairs term contract to ensure compliance with contractual requirements. Work in collaboration and effectively with other teams within Housing services to deliver a seamless, holistic service to customers.
• Health and Safety – ensure that the Councils Policy for managing the health and safety of residents, staff and contractors is fully implemented and documented. Provide expert knowledge on health and safety law applicable to the construction industry.
• Provide strategic leadership within the Housing portfolio, contributing proactively to the collective leadership of the council, working collaboratively with Members, services, partners, and stakeholders to deliver the council’s objectives and priorities.
• Lead by example in modelling and embedding the council’s values and behaviours to help build a sustainable highly effective organisation and develop our reputation as a successful council delivering great value for its residents.
• Provide outstanding leadership and direction to the service, driving service transformation and ensuring excellent joint working with Members and other stakeholders.
• Lead, deliver and oversee planned strategic projects and programmes of change that contribute to the effective delivery of agreed outcomes across the service.
• Lead existing and develop new partnerships, both within the council and with external partners, to establish a coordinated and integrated approach to the overall management of the service.
• Responsible for managing Property Surveyors and Trainee Property Surveyors in either Repairs or Property Planning and Assets.
Contractor Relationships
• Lead on the management of projects, ensure that the contractor applies appropriate project management techniques to works involving multiple trades. Ensure that all members of the team develop strong project management skills and apply them to managing the contract.
• Manage the local delivery of the repairs term contract. Ensure that all members of the team are fully conversant with the contract, including the terms and specifications.
• Develop and manage systems for the quality control of repairs, both in resident’s homes and communal areas.
• Issuing, managing the contract and service notices, financial valuations and WIP as directed by the relevant Manager.
• Contacting and directly engaging with residents for routine repairs each day, including checking WIP delivery for the day, contacting the service providers schedulers and following up with the resident for completion of works and Post inspections if required.
• Case management of all pre inspected works and orders raised by the repairs team including delivery, communications to residents and completions on the day.
• Oversee the local administration of the repairs contract. Ensure that requests for variations, extensions of time and payments are correctly assessed and carried out within the contractual timescales. Ensure that works not completed in time are chased and escalated where necessary. Ensure that reports are used regularly to ensure that client and contractor are updating the job management system fully and in a timely manner.
• Lead on the diagnosis of building defects which do not have obvious causes. Ensure that the contractor takes a systematic approach to diagnosis. Ensure that all members of the team understand the need for a systematic and documented process and require this from the contractor.
• Lead on the specification of works. Ensure that works to communal areas are properly designed and specified. Ensure that all members of the team can prepare specifications to high professional standards.
• Issuing of notices / orders in line with delivery requirements and contract requirements.
• Oversee the repair and maintenance of the Council’s housing stock – proactively ensuring that maintenance needs are highlighted, with appropriate PPM plans established. Highlighting future investment needs and building elements that are nearing the end of their serviceable life at an early stage.
• Develop and manage systems for the regular, proactive inspection of the buildings to ensure all visible maintenance requirements and building defects are identified and recorded, and remedial action is taken when required. Ensure that all health and safety risks are identified and assessed, and appropriate action is taken.
• Develop and manage programmes of cyclical maintenance to ensure buildings are properly maintained and value for money is achieved by intelligent targeting of resources and regular review of the regimes.
• Manage inspections on approved survey software with photos and diagnostics of the visit. Orders will then be raised on the system, managed, and booked with the resident. Site reports and details of inspections will be provided to the resident within 2 working days of visits to the home and stored on our central system. It is the responsibility of the surveyor to follow up on the works.
• Ensure that all repairs in residents’ homes are carried out to a high standard and the service is delivered in accordance with the contract.
• Lead and manage the team to deliver an excellent technical service. Provide strong support to improve technical, contract management and other relevant skills, and to encourage and achieve professional qualifications where appropriate.
• Ensure that complaints are managed effectively and seek to resolve issues quickly. Ensure that defects which could give rise to claims of disrepair are resolved completely and fully documented.
• Ensure that claims are made and processed for the cost of all works which fall within the scope of the Council’s insurance policy. Ensure that all members of the team are aware of the terms of the policy.
Leak Detection/Dampness and Condensation
• Oversee the identification of leaks, rising damp, penetrating damp, and condensation across the Housing Property Services portfolio. Ensure that signs of damp caused by plumbing related problems because of leaking water or drainage pipes are diagnosed.
• The post holder will oversee and ensure that Voids, Planned Preventative Maintenance, Pre, and Post Inspection Works are carried out to a high standard:
• Proactively identify leak or plumbing jobs not completed including.
a. Notifying residents effected as daily updates in writing.
b. Identifying failures and working with the term contractor to resolve the issue.
c. Case management of leaks allocated (in WIP or Area) to a satisfactory resolution.
d. Weekly meetings with the contactors to improve service delivery.
e. Managing follow on works
Void Property Management
• Lead on ensuring that works to void properties meet the lettable standard. Clearly identify and record for the contractor any defects and substandard works and ensure that remedial work is completed before work is accepted.
Planned Preventative Maintenance
• Lead on actively ensuring that maintenance needs are highlighted, with appropriate PPM plans established. Highlighting future investment needs and building elements that are nearing the end of their serviceable life at an early stage.
• Lead on the developing and managing programmes of cyclical maintenance to ensure buildings are properly maintained and value for money is achieved by intelligent targeting of resources and regular review of the regimes.
• Ensure PPM programmes are evidenced using Site Audit pro or approved equivalent and documents available for issue to the residents.
• Review repair demand to identify success of PPM’s.
• Ensure PPMs are programmed in as required, on Housing system and managed and completed (In the WIP area allocated each year)
• Produced repair demand reports indicating failings or improvements required with the stock.
Pre and Post Inspection of Works
• Ensure management of the post inspection function of the repair and maintenance department requirements of a portfolio of approximately 17,000 homes.
• This includes communal and in dwelling repairs across the housing stock and completion of communal area inspections each month.
• Including the post inspections of:
o building structure / furniture and fabric of the buildings
o Resident in dwelling repairs (reactive and planned)
o Communal areas
o Estate and grounds
• Ensure the regular inspections and reporting on completed works, customer satisfaction and contractor performance.
• Ensure the team has completed a Post Inspection report for each repair and update the Asset Management system.
• Lead on Identifying key investment needs and carry out block and in dwelling repair analysis each month to identify repair demand and considerations to reduce failings.
• Inspections will be completed on Site Audit pro or approved equivalent with photos and diagnostics of the visit. Orders will then be raised on the system, managed, and booked with the resident. Site reports and details of inspections will be provided to the resident within 3 working days of visits to the home and stored on our central system.
• Ownership of complaints and customer engagement
• Log and maintain / review and respond to all new stage 1 and 2 complaints logged.
• Contact the resident for all stage 1’s and visit, record the works using the Audit Pro process. (Deescalate the complaint if possible)
• Book in the work with the term contractor (raising the order)
• Confirm the scope of works and appointment dates with the resident. Follow up the works on the day and post inspect if the resident requires.
• All follow-on works must be managed and tracked by the surveyors and signed off.
Stage 1 and 2
• Make daily check for other incoming complaints and allocate and/or respond accordingly.
• Allocate and/or respond accordingly ensuring that any responses are made within agreed SLA timeframes.
• Review and inspect the repairs history on the system.
• All customers must be contacted using the councils 8x8 system, with the record of the conversations issued by mail and recorded on Housing system.
• Monitor progress against complaints recorded on the Follow-on Works Tracker and ensure there are no actions outstanding, and any updates needed are provided.
Stage 2
All stage 2’s must be escalated to the Area manager for review and a meeting arranged with the Divisional head to explain.
a) reason for escalation.
b) Service disconnects
c) What works (At Stage 1) where not completed and the reasons
d) What compensation is being provided and what the cause of the disconnect was
Area managers will be requested to attend Stage 2 reviews with the Division heads and Director of housing each month within their areas.
Contract Management
• Manage and respond to requests for contract/cost variations each day, ensuring that any costs/changes are within Section20 limits (quantity, cost, scope) and where a request must be rejected, giving an explanation and a required outcome, ensuring the response is made and recorded on Housing system within agreed SLA timeframe.
• Manage payment approvals for contractors, up to a limit agreed by Head of Repairs (per job above the PPP) and selecting jobs for post inspection and ensuring that jobs selected loop into the post-inspection process.
• Approvals for job values over 5k must be given by the area manager.
• Manage cancellation requests received from the contractor, where request is refused provide full details of the reason for refusal.
• Undertake pre-inspections. Before carrying out the appointment the postholder will contact the resident to confirm they are able to keep it [and there are no covid issues]. Following the inspection, complete and upload a Site Audit Pro and upload to SharePoint, and update visit details on the housing system.
• Be responsible for proactively checking Housing system for orders raised that are insured perils. Ensuring claims are logged, monitored, and progressed for the area e.g. front door renewals.
• Maintain Section 20 paperwork and insurance claims for pre and post inspections.
• Provide detailed and timely responses to the insurance team at RBKC to defend or confirm cases as required by them, ensuring responses are given within the agreed SLA timeframe.
• Confirm approval of compensation payments following stage 1 and stage 2 complaints as and when requested by the complaints team, within agreed SLA timeframe.
To keep abreast of any technical or statutory changes and developments that will affect the maintenance and repair of the housing stock. For example, HHSRS, CDM.
Actively looking for innovative ways to maintain the housing stock whilst reducing costs or making more effective use of resources.
Provide advice and assistance to surveyors, technical staff and management on legal disrepair and a holistic approach to improve service delivery and reduce disrepair costs.
Carrying out joint inspections with the service provider where advice, authorisation or guidance is needed to allow work to proceed.
Proactively building rapport and communicating with service provider as well as council colleagues to resolve issues and promote a one team approach.
Ensuring the smooth delivery of processes by maintaining effective working relationships with the service provider, residents, other Croydon Landlord services and Housing teams, planned maintenance and improvement service and with officers in other divisions.
Resident and staff liaison
Attending various Resident Panels and resident meetings as required.
Working with service provider on liaison with residents on any disruptive or complex works.
Liaise with Tenancy, Income and Allocations teams/staff on any disrepair cases that are made by tenants as a result of eviction notices or a desire to get a transfer.
Liaise with Tenancy and Allocations teams/staff on structural repair cases that necessitate a management transfer for the tenant and if temporary or permanent. Provide all necessary reports and advice and keep resident informed or progress of transfer and works.
Liaison with residents and planned maintenance and improvement staff on out of scope works where there is a delay that is impacting on a disrepair claim.
Liaison with stock investment on any modernisation or extensive programme works where they are impacting on a disrepair claim.
Liaise with RTB applicants and their professional representative on any queries or repair obligation disputes.
Process Improvement
Preparing inspection and survey reports in plain English using appropriate technical descriptions of building components to support recommendations for works to be completed or action to be taken.
Carrying out ongoing analysis of reasons for disrepair cases where these are as a result of poor processes, quality of works, delays or any other reasons. Produce action plans to reduce level of cases and improve any processes as a result. Identifying performance issues in relation to contractors, service staff or training.
Liaison with and referral to Planned maintenance and improvement of any major repair problems or extensive works identified e.g. subsidence or new roofs or windows.
Interrogating the asset strategy and repairs service provider’s repairs systems to ensure they are recording repairs correctly.
Making the best use of available information technology for the efficient running of the service, developing own use of handheld devices or PDAs, updating data held on I.T. systems, and obtaining management information reports from the computer systems in use, as required.
Responsible for ensuring service providers carries out relevant H&S duties for erection of scaffolding and safe working in relation to any structural or make safe works and in communal areas. Ensure compliance with H&S regulations across contract delivery working closely with service provider H&S compliance manager and branch manager.
Knowledge & Skills:
• Equal Opportunities: Demonstrate an understanding of and commitment to Council policies in relation to Equal Opportunity, Resident Care and service delivery, and the ability to implement these policies in the workplace.
• The post holder must hold either a degree in building surveying and/or the equivalent experience in delivering the disrepair service.
• They need to demonstrate at least 3 to 5 years management experience.
• Extensive experience in building surveying and/or repairs operational delivery or supervising contracts or disrepair case management.
• Extensive experience of housing responsive repairs including experience of working in a customer service organization providing a high-quality service to members of the public consistently and sensitively, according to their needs and customer care standards.
• Extensive experience of construction and housing maintenance works and the ability to recognise repair problems and identify defects and relevant remedial works.
• A thorough grasp of building construction and a working knowledge of domestic mechanical and electrical installations.
• Good working knowledge of current and appropriate legislation regarding electrical and mechanical works and knowledge of health and safety, electrical and gas safety legislation so that duties can be carried out professionally and responsibilities met including the carrying out of any risk assessments.
• Experience of dealing with and supervising contracts for the maintenance and repair of buildings and carrying out tendering procedures. Knowledge of forms of contract and how these are administered.
• Experience of monitoring performance and quality of work in relation to maintenance and repair contracts monitoring and improving performance and service delivery and responsible for key performance indicators in area of work.
• Sound experience base of working in a customer service organization providing a high-quality service to members of the public consistently and sensitively, according to their needs and customer care standards.
• A sound knowledge of housing properties and their building and service components.
• Background of working within a social housing environment. A background that includes working within responsive repairs is essential.
• A strong background of meeting the needs of a diverse customer base.
• A degree in Building Surveying or a recognised construction qualification or the equivalent technical experience (evidence to be provided at interview) or demonstrable experience in disrepair case management and responsive repairs delivery and diagnosis.
• A proven knowledge of the statutory and contract law framework within which a housing technical organisation works, essentially in housing disrepair protocols.
• A sound knowledge of current and appropriate legislation with regard to building works and health and safety.
• Technical discipline and knowledge of current building regulations and in policy and procedures relating to all relevant repairs legislation – e.g. Disrepair, Right to Repair, Landlord & Tenant Acts, Water Acts, Housing Health and Safety Rating System
• Able to display good keyboard skills and to use the Council’s OHMS and office computer systems and to access the repair service provider’s property and repair ordering and data recording systems.
• Able to obtain and understand information and to communicate it concisely and simply to the service provider, customers, colleagues, and management.
• Highly developed communication skills both written and verbal - leading meetings, making presentations, letter and report writing.
• A good communicator and able to provide expert technical advice, guidance and information both orally and in writing to a wide range of contacts.
• A good level of oral and written communication skills and the ability to use plain English. The ability to clearly explain issues, explore solutions and negotiate satisfactory outcomes with the repair partners’, contractors’ other agencies.
• Budget Management – understanding and knowledge of Council’s financial framework and repairs expenditure monitoring. Awareness of the commercial implications of any actions or decisions and ability to manage budget area and use budget management reports and control costs. Able to understand the impact of own activities on the cost effectiveness and quality of the service.
• Able to manage a varied and demanding workload, and to consistently produce high quality work with limited supervision.
• Able to understand the impact of change on work activities and priorities, and flexible and adaptable in response to change.
• Able to develop good working relationships with the service provider’s staff, colleagues, other teams, and sections, ensuring mutual understanding of the impact they have on others. Good interpersonal skills and ability to work with colleagues and repairs partners to discuss issues and options to deal with emergency or urgent situations and to maintain and improve service delivery.
• Able to remain positive and to contribute constructively and flexibly within the team in responding to work pressures.
• Well-developed ‘soft skills’ in dealing with tenants and members whose expectations can often not be met. Using tact, patience, diplomacy, advocacy and listening skills and be able to be assertive and resilient on contentious matters.
• Meet the needs of older, vulnerable, and disadvantaged people in the delivery of a fair and equitable service and to particularly respond to any specialist needs.
• Experience of working in a customer service organisation providing a service to members of public consistently and sensitively according to their needs and any customer care standards.
• Negotiation and persuasion skills when resolving issues or disputes or trying to make a change or improvement to a way of working.
• An understanding of diversity and equality issues and how they relate to the repairs service, and a commitment to ensure that equality is an integral part of service delivery.
• Ability to motivate others to maintain and improve service delivery.
• Analytical skills – able to resolve problems and issues.
• IT skills – able to effectively use IT systems for e-mails and keeping work diary, producing letters, job notes, reports. Ability to set up use and populate spreadsheets and databases for record keeping and analysis. Able to use internet for research and information