Head of Commissioning
£700 per day limited paid via Umbrella Company inside IR35
Our client is looking for an experienced Head of Commissioning.
This is a unique role within Cambridgeshire County Council with responsibility and accountability for
budgets in excess of £56 million per annum.
Forming part of the Commissioning Service leadership team this dynamic role brings together senior
accountability for a range of services that are commissioned or directly delivered by the council, to
improve outcomes for vulnerable children and young people who are on the edge of care, in care and
leaving care. The post-holder has responsibility for commissioned provision for children and young
people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities [SEND], children with disabilities / complex needs
and children & family services. Many of these services are high risk in terms of ensuring that vulnerable
children and young people are safeguarded, have their assessed needs comprehensively met and
outcomes achieved whilst maintaining the reputation of Cambridgeshire County Council and ensuring
the Council is able to fulfil its statutory duties and responsibilities.
The services for which the post-holder is accountable include a combination of commissioned and a
variety of directly delivered services. Those that are directly delivered are provided at ‘arm’s length’
from mainstream children’s services, however, in terms of delivering improved outcomes and value for
money, need to be managed as commissioned service provision..
Examples of services that the post-holder is responsible for securing sustained, good quality delivery,
impact, outcomes and value for money include, but are not limited to:
• Independent Fostering Agencies commissioned Dynamic purchasing System [DPS]
• Independent Children’s Homes and Residential Special Schools DPS arrangements
• Post 16 Accommodation and Support Services commissioned framework arrangements.
• Out of school tuition services
• The Regional Adoption Agency, the joint regional arrangement between Cambridgeshire County
Council and Peterborough City Council.
• Strategic management, leadership and oversight of the Access to Resources [ART] brokerage
functions for all externally commissioned placement service provision [Children in care and
Independent Special Schools], ensuring quality, and that the established financial and contract
quality and compliance processes continue to be wholly embedded within the practice and
culture of the team.
• Directly delivered service provision including: Supervised contact , Family Group Conferencing,
Clinical Services provision and Positive Behaviour Support Services
• Inhouse residential services provision [short breaks and children in care]
• Advocacy services for children and young people in care
• Independent visitor services for children and young people in care.
• The out of hours Emergency Duty Service.
The scope of management and leadership responsibility for children’s commissioning within
Cambridgeshire is extensive, demanding and rewarding.
Thorough understanding of commissioning processes and associated
Thorough commercial and financial understanding of
commissioning, market management/shaping and development.
A thorough understanding of the legislative and regulatory
framework of multi-agency statutory children’s services.
Thorough understanding of the principle responsibilities and key
challenges facing local government in securing high quality,
sustainable services that deliver improved outcomes in challenging
financial times.
Demonstrable understanding of the children’s services market
Sound knowledge and understanding of best practice
methodologies, local, regional and national policy developments in
all areas within scope of the role.
Strong appreciation and understanding of the needs of diverse
communities and how these are translated into culturally
appropriate service provision.
An understanding of the NHS strategic policy changes and drivers,
particularly the role, function and breadths of responsibility of the
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough ICB.
Ability to lead and inspire confidence, trust and respect of members,
colleagues, partners and wider networks and communities.
Demonstrable track record in innovation to drive improvements in
the quality of services delivered to vulnerable children and young
Excellent leadership skills that encourage and inspire commitment
from others and promote a positive, motivated organisational
Excellent change management skills and ability to reflect and
consolidate learning to improve future application.
Excellent communication skills and the ability to articulate complex
information in a variety of media, to a variety of audiences, at a
level that will be clearly understood.
Excellent negotiation and influencing skills and the ability to effect
change through reasoning, persuasion and tactful dialogue.
Ability to competently listen to the voices of looked after children
and young people, ensuring their views and opinions are fully
integrated into service design, delivery, review and evaluation.
Evidence of successful partnership working, engagement and
delivery to meet strategic objectives.
Ability to identify and deliver challenging ‘cashable’ savings targets
whilst minimising any detrimental effects.
High level of analytical and appraisal skills to enable an effective and
swift assimilation and evaluation of information/data and statistics
to inform astute decision making.
Strategic and logical thinker and decision-maker able to provide
practical and creative solutions to the management of
commissioned, partnership and organisational issues.
PLEASE ONLY apply if you have the necessary skills, experience and expertise.
The first part of our recruitment process is to send your CV. Should you be short listed Colbern Limited will contact you within 5 days or we may contact you about other job opportunities. Colbern Limited along with our clients are an equal opportunities employer